Isabel Linares

Head of Industry & Equipment Market Surveillance Observatory of UNE

Isabel is an industrial Engineer by the Higher School of Industrial Engineering of de University of Valladolid (Spain), specialising in electricity and intensification in automatics and electronics. Master’s Degree in Quality and Production. She has a degree in Occupational Risk Prevention, specialising in Occupational Safety, Ergonomics and Applied Psychology and Industrial Hygiene. Innovation Manager. She has been working at the Spanish Association for Standardisation, UNE, for 15 years.

Isabel is is currently the Technical Secretary of the Market Surveillance Observatory of UNE and is responsible for the industry and equipment business, where she carries out standardisation activities in the elevation sector as well as land, air and maritime transport, electric vehicles, handling and lifting, industrial machinery and systems, hydrogen technologies, gas, capital goods, refineries and petrochemical plants, LNG terminals, NDT, industrial installations, fuels and biofuels, textile, air conditioning, heat generators and emitters, water engineering, etc.

Previously, she worked in the automotive industry and in construction as Operations Manager.

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